100k, 10k & 200
Our vision is simply this, to influence the hearts of people towards greater connection with God, using the generous resource of God’s love in the context of God’s family, the local church.
The heart and call of this church is local and global; together yet individual and at the same time, passionately consumed by the desire to serve and love others. The global goal is to see 100,000 souls saved, raise 10,000 leaders in the next 6-10 years, and to plant over 200 community centers, churches and disaster relief storage centers in the next 10-15 years around the world. Prayer and Fasting is the driving force behind everything we do and this only further fuels the insatiable urge inside of us to make a real difference in our world; a difference that we can only make together. The tangible reality of this can be seen as we equip and empower people to lead and influence in the places that God has called us to.
God has called His Church to be a city on a hill, a light in the darkness, with the answer to the hurt and pain of this world on our lips. He has charged us with taking the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world. This is no regular call, it is a commission, it is the good fight spoken of by Paul. We are committed to making fully devoted followers of Christ, who understand that and are fully focused on building God’s kingdom, loving others and putting Him first in their lives.
We understand that everyone is at a different place in their journey, but that everyone has a desire to move forward towards the purpose for which they were created. We are committed to being a generational, multicultural, relevant, family church. We are rescued to be rescuers.
If this can be a home for you, welcome to the family.

Ashley & Jane Evans
Ashley and Jane Evans are the proud parents of 3 amazing sons, Mark, Nathan, and Benjamin; two wonderful daughters-in-law, Lauren (married to Mark) and Chloe (married to Nathan); and grandparents to Judah, Asher, Zara, Jed, Zeke and Mia.
Our Story
Futures Church is a multi-generational, multi-cultural church for all ages and stages of life. Futures USA started in November 2012 and was the first international church plant for Futures Australia. Ps Ashley and Jane decided to lead the church plant as part of the continual commitment to being on the cutting edge of building leaders, reaching people and leading by example. Futures USA is growing consistently and in just 4 years since its inception with 1 family in a lounge room has grown to over 2,500 people.
We want you to experience it and help others do the same. The global goal is to see 100,000 souls saved, raise 10,000 leaders in the next 6-10 years, plant over 200 community centers, churches and disaster relief storage centers in the next 10-15 years around the world.
The local church is God’s plan to get His love to the world. God created the church to be His local family in a local community and its our vision to raise pastors and leaders to create these local expressions of God’s mission. Futures Church is a cause-driven Church with a focus on reaching people. We understand that we have been rescued to be rescuers. We have been helped to help, healed to heal and loved to love. Futures Church has a passionate commitment to social justice and missions, with feeding programs in a number of countries, disaster relief staff, orphanages, rescue homes, HIV/AIDS nursing and foster care programs, etc and church planters who are making a difference around the world.
Both Ashley and Jane speak around the world at conferences and events as part of their commitment to encourage other leaders and churches.