The Heart of Influencers – Leader Discussion Guide | Week Two
RISE Leader Discussion Guide
1. How have you grown during RISE?
In ONE SENTENCE describe an area of growth that has happened in you as a result of doing RISE (Don’t spend long on this, it’s just to get people to open up)
2. Where do you want to grow?
To help you narrow your goals down, complete these sentences and share one (if you are comfortable) with the group:
PHYSICAL: Finish this sentence: “If I could master my __________ I know it would give me greater time efficiency, endurance, and mental clarity.” (Examples: Organization, eating, time management, exercise, distraction levels, etc.)
EMOTIONAL: Finish this sentence: “I know I would be happier as a person if I could create strength in the area of my __________.” (Examples: Reaction to hurt, thoughts, confidence, personal boundaries, etc.)
SPIRITUAL: Finish this sentence: “I know my walk with God would be stronger if I would __________.” (Examples: Listen to worship music over secular music, read my Bible, study my Bible, pray before worrying, pray more, make attending church more of a priority, etc.)
3. How can you help others grow?
Relate to the Metamorphosis series we are in now and what God is saying to us as a church.
Question: What do you think are some corporate cultures that need to develop that you and I can be a part of changing? (Be a culture booster)
Question: What have you noticed that needs improvement?
- People getting to church on time
- Bringing people
- Noticing new people and helping them connect (Looking around during welcome and noting the new people and chatting with them after service and encouraging them to come to the Blue Room)
- Serving on a Dream Team
- Acting like owners when you see something that needs attention, or someone who needs help.