Be filled with the Holy Spirit’s power! When you fast most people find day three the hardest because it’s usually the day you feel weak and are tempted to give up.
Luke 4:14 says that after Jesus’ fast Then Jesus returned to Galilee, filled with the Holy Spirit’s power. Reports about him spread quickly through the whole region. 15 He taught regularly in their synagogues and was praised by everyone.
Today I want to remind you that being filled with the power of the Holy Spirit is the antidote for craving other things! When done with the right motive and heart, fasting and prayer will always fill us with the power of the Holy Spirit! Why do we need the power of the Holy Spirit? Because basically, we are human vessels who have the drag of our humanity each day, that is magnetically attracted to doing the wrong thing, and walking the wrong way, just like the Children of Israel. Without the power of the Holy Spirit, we are just people struggling to live up to God’s standard but constantly struggling and falling short.
That’s why we need to fast:
- Because fasting realigns us to God’s perspective fasting takes us higher than we can go in our own strength
- Fasting sharpens our sensitivity to God and fills us with His power to live the life we have all been called to live.
- Fasting gives us the same power that Jesus had to live here on earth and fulfill the will of His father, who through the work on the cross is now OUR father and now, because He has gone to the Father He has sent us His Holy Spirit which is now available to all of us to help us live this incredible life!
Spend some time today asking the Holy Spirit to fill you. Put worship on and invite His presence into your life and ask Him for the strength to push through.