Day Thirty-Eight: Where you plant matters

Ryan Rolls   -  

Psalms 1:3

They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season. Their leaves never wither, and they prosper in all that they do.

Let me share with you a simple, yet profound truth. Heaven does not experience famine. Now that may sound like an obvious statement, but if I believe that I’m in the world, but not of this world, then that means that I too can experience life without famine.

That’s not to say that my life is omitted from hardship or loss, but it does mean that it doesn’t have to last and be a burden to my life forever. God can still produce all good things no matter the season I’m in if I am….PLANTED. The writer of this Psalm says that the tree PLANTED, but not just planted anywhere, but along the riverbank bears fruit in each season. 

Your environment matters. Where you plant yourself matters. A tree planted along a riverbank does not need to rely on the next rainstorm to replenish and produce fruit, because the soil that it’s planted in has all the water it needs that flows from the river. It’s environment already has all the nutrients it needs. 

Water in motion is water that is alive. Are the relationships and environments that you’re attached to bringing you life? If the answer is no, before you quickly make a change and move on, ask yourself “but am I planted?” Trees do not get their strength by being on soil, but by being planted in soil. If that seed just laid on top of the soil, no fruit would come. God’s word promises that we can live a life that bears fruit in all seasons, but it won’t come unless you first make the bold decision to PLANT.


Ryan Rolls