Day Twenty-Eight
The Lord replied, “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.”
I love this passage of scripture because it is a ‘peek’ into, not only Moses’ very personal relationship with God, but also his humanity. The task and weight of leadership must have been enormous for Moses. He knows he needs something outside of, and more than, his humanity to do the job.
I don’t know what weight you are carrying today that seems overwhelming for you but God is waiting for you to ask Him to go with you into your workday, your family conflict, your financial storm, and tackle the giants that are living in your promise concerning those things. God has promised to go with you, but not only that, to give you REST! Remember GRACE is everything you need to be able to face today, and it’s a free gift from God. We don’t do anything to deserve it; in fact, we can’t do anything to deserve it!
I love that God won’t give us something to do then not give us rest while doing it! If you are not experiencing REST today remind yourself that GRACE is available, you don’t have to do it by yourself or in your own strength. God is not asking you to do the impossible to watch you fail. He’s asking you to do the impossible so that you will ask for His help! I love this next verse:
Then the Lord said, “There is a place near me where you may stand on a rock.”
There is a place of REST next to God where you get to stand on a rock, a vantage point, a solid place, a safe place and watch him pass by on His way to intervene and lift your burden! Ask Him today to show you his glory, to let you feel His presence and see Him move in your life, and on your behalf.
Jane Evans