Day Twelve

Jane Evans   -  

Joshua 1:5b

As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you

I don’t know if you’ve ever been in a position where you’ve had to fill someone else’s shoes that was a bit of a legend? -Maybe a boss at work or in a family, or leadership setting? I know I have, and even though people don’t mean to, they compare you with the person whose shoes you are trying to fill. If we are honest we do it to ourselves too, and without meaning to we find ourselves thinking, “I hope I can measure up!” 

I’m sure Joshua felt the same way. What I love about this statement by God is that it proves that His grace is not personality-driven. He didn’t say to Joshua, “if you can measure up to Moses, then I’ll be with you” Or, “If you have the leadership skills of Moses, I’ll be with you” or even “If you love me as much as Moses, then I’ll be with you” He simply states “As I was with Moses, I will be with you” and then takes it further and makes the statement that Jesus himself quoted to his disciples “I will never leave you nor forsake you”

It is better translated from the original language, I will not let you sink down in discouragement (the root word here, Raphah, interestingly is the same root word used for giant! It’s describing the feeling you get when you are faced with something that in the natural is impossible for you to defeat) and I will not abandon you. When God is asking of us BOLD ACTION, not only is His grace not personality or performance-driven, but He also promises to help lift us when we are down or discouraged and never abandon us as we step out! Thank Him for that today and declare that He is with YOU and He will never fail or abandon you.


Jane Evans