Day Eleven

Jane Evans   -  

Joshua 1:5a

No one will be able to stand against you all the days of your life 

I don’t know about you but it’s usually not circumstances that intimidate me or get the better of me, it’s usually people! People’s opinions: “who does she think she is?” People’s negativity: “you are crazy, that will never work” People’s competitive behavior, stubbornness, lack of belief in you, and the list could go on and on! There are many reasons why people stand against you, and would rather you stay where you are, and not challenge the status quo, but those people by resisting you, are trespassing on the territory God has given you! If that is the case, then God has promised that they will not be able to stop you from inheriting what He has already given you.

I love the next part that says they won’t be able to stand against you, “ALL THE DAYS OF YOUR LIFE.” That means the good days AND the bad days. The good days are when you feel up to the challenge, when you are motivated to arise and move forward, when you begin to dream about your new address. The bad days are the days when you feel weary or discouraged, when you let people get to you, when you doubt yourself, when faith turns to fear. We need to understand the consistent nature of grace, and that it is not dependent on how we feel or what we do but what God has already done! I want to remind you today that it doesn’t matter who stands against you, doesn’t matter if this is a good day or a bad day, God’s grace and His promises are never changing! 


Jane Evans