Day Eight

Jane Evans   -  

Joshua 1:2

 Moses my servant is dead; now therefore arise, go over this Jordan,

Not only is God saying to Joshua, that the “time has come” (now therefore) but the King James version uses the words “Arise, go”.

Arise means to stand up, make a move, change your posture, disturb your comfort zone, and ‘go’…..well that means GO! Sometimes I think it would be cool if God would “carry us” into our promises, then we wouldn’t have to change our posture and we could stay comfortable. Being BOLD and COURAGEOUS involves changing your position, and your posture, it means getting your feet wet, it means a long trek, it means carrying the weight of your pack with you, it means walking towards your giants. Go means moving towards obstacles that others say are impossible to cross. It means ignoring the ‘season’ and trusting God at His word. In this New Year God has said that it is time for us as Influencers to be BOLD and COURAGEOUS. Time to arise and build, to lay foundations for a building in the heart of Gwinnett County. Time to win victories for future generations so that they can LIVE in the Promises that we have possessed. It only takes one person to turn things around, one person willing to change their posture and have the faith to move forward, to change where the next generation will live and how they will live. My mother was that one person for me, she responded to God’s call to ‘arise’ from where she was living and walked out of a life of abuse; she faced giants of rejection and crippling fear, and now I live at an ‘address’ that is completely different from the one she grew up in. Church it’s time to arise. 


Jane Evans