Day Fifty-Nine: You Must
13 “Pardon me, my lord,” Gideon replied, “but if the Lord is with us, why has all this happened to us? Where are all his wonders that our ancestors told us about when they said, ‘Did not the Lord bring us up out of Egypt?’ But now the Lord has abandoned us and given us into the hand of Midian.” (Judges 6:13, NIV)
As a pastor, I have preached and taught more sermons that I can probably count. All of them, I hope, were theologically sound and purposed to compel the listeners towards faith in Jesus. However, I must confess that there have been several times that I have been confronted by someone who genuinely received the message but is frustrated that experientially they could not agree. Their question sounded much like Gideon’s – Great stories and testimonies, but where is this for my family and me.
Have you ever felt that way? I have! In these moments, all of the boldness that you desire and need is just beyond your grasp. Questions oversaturate your mind and faith is absent. Doubt has become a familiar voice and the unwanted counselor that has convinced you to prepare for the worst-case scenario. Nevertheless, be encouraged. At this very moment, I believe, God is closer than you think and has a message, dare I say an assignment, to share with you.
Much like Gideon, we do not need to find the boldness to accomplish the assignment. We need to find the courage to engage with God. Let me illustrate my point. When you or I become disappointed by unmet expectations within a relationship, we tend to withdraw and grow cold. The last thing we want to do is seek the one in whom we have been disappointed, let alone pursue intimacy. But that is what we MUST do.
Consequently, let me challenge you to betray your feelings and disappointments to engage with God. Take the pain of unmet expectations of the Holy Spirit and boldly ask Him to remove and reconcile whatever obstacle(s) remain in the way of your faith. And, watch how everything g shifts for you and your family, much like Gideon.
Andy smith