Day Forty-Eight

Ryan Rolls   -  

John 4:10;14

10 Jesus replied, “If you only knew the gift God has for you and who you are speaking to, you would ask me, and I would give you living water.”

14 But those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again. It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring within them, giving them eternal life.”

At the beginning of this year, I took on a challenge to go completely vegan for 14 days. Truth be told, I only made it 12 days, because I cheated twice, but let’s not focus on that part. But every day I found myself not ever able to be satisfied physically. I ended up just being frustrated and walking around my house with a bag of tortilla chips in my hand. Here’s what I realized, my satisfaction didn’t rest in the amount that I put in me, it rested on what I put in me.

The story in John 4 is a well-known one about a woman who has tried literally everything that she can think of to bring satisfaction to her life. The issue wasn’t her hunger or appetite for something to satisfy, the issue was that she filled it with everything but the one thing that could bring wholeness to her brokenness. 

I heard this statement this week: “You’re not exhausted because you’re doing too much. You’re exhausted because you’re not doing enough of the things that energize and fill you.” 

What are the things in your schedule that don’t contribute to bring fulfillment to your soul? What are the things that you’ve said yes to for too long and in doing so has told God no? As you’re reading this, you’re like the woman at the well, you’ve stopped, sat down, and are taking a break from it all, but are you seeking relief or healing? Because Jesus didn’t die for you to find relief, He died so that you could be healed. Today, he’s offering you living water. Take a drink and receive a well inside of you.


Ryan Rolls