Day Forty-Seven

Ryan Rolls   -  

Proverbs 29:18 (MSG)

18  If people can’t see what God is doing,

    they stumble all over themselves;

But when they attend to what he reveals,

    they are most blessed.

I remember, four years ago, being frustrated with an important relationship in my life. It felt as though I wasn’t advancing in my life and it wasn’t my fault, it was tied to someone else and the decisions that they were making. I felt as though I was just paying the price for their stubbornness and poor decision making. Every thought imaginable began to fill my head and I found myself angry and begging to God: “Please will you just change them, heal them, scare them, anything to get their attention on what needs to change in their life.” I prayed that prayer for a long time and nothing ever changed.

One day I started my daily venting session to God and once again prayed for God to change them and I felt the Holy Spirit use an Albert Einstein quote to me: “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.”

It was in that moment that I realized my prayers weren’t getting answered….maybe on purpose? Would God do something like that? So I had nothing to lose and changed my prayer to “God, what are you trying to change in me?” And instantly I began to see my entire life in a different light. And not only did I change, but that person changed and we’re still in relationship to this day!

Often times God isn’t trying to fix our problems, He’s just trying to fix our perspective. Truth be told, we can’t see what He sees because we’re not standing where He’s standing. But when He begins to reveal Himself and His plan in our lives, we begin to be thankful for the shortsighted prayers that He didn’t answer, and see the blessings of God sustained in our lives, not just in a moment.

Would you be Bold enough to pray a prayer that doesn’t say “God change others,” but rather “God change me!”