Day Thirty-Three: Who is RESPONSIBLE?

Andy Smith   -  

9Then Jesus said, “Whoever has ears to hear, let them hear.” (Mark 4:9)

Jesus makes a pretty obvious statement to His followers if you can hear then you should hear. At least that is what most of us understand from His words. However, the real point to His words is quite a bit harsher. Well, no one likes to think of Jesus being rude, so let’s say He is emphatic. According to the Greek, Jesus is saying, “If you have the ability and capability, then you have the responsibility.” 

Think with me for a moment about an everyday scenario. If you were to have the solution or cure to a medical crisis, and yet you did not share it with those in need, would you consider yourself responsible for the continued suffering and deaths of those affected by the crisis? And I’m sure everyone would say, “YES!” Plus, you would be accountable. In the same way and with the same intensity, Jesus is saying that each of us can hear. Additionally, we are capable of understanding what He is saying, which makes us RESPONSIBLE for what He is saying. 

Now, before we take a detour down a road we do not need to travel, let me provide a word of encouragement. Jesus is not making a legalistic statement here. Instead, He is saying that you ARE favored with ability and capability that most will never have. Do not squander this GRACE of hearing God speak something so powerful that you block His blessing attached to His words. 

People laugh when I tell them that one of my favorite quotes from any movie comes from the 2000 version of Spider-Man. I’m sure you remember the statement Peter Parker’s Uncle Ben makes right before He makes a terrible decision. Say it with me if you know it, “With great power comes great responsibility.” Do you realize the power you have because The One True God chooses to speak to you? Not one thing God says can fail or will be stopped. NOT ONE WORD!

So, today, consider making a mental adjustment and realize that what God has said, when applied, will manifest His POWER to those who are RESPONSIBLE with His words.


Andy Smith