Day Thirty-Two: Does God Want to Speak?

Andy Smith   -  

3 “Listen! A farmer went out to sow his seed. 14The farmer sows the word. (Mark 4:3, 14)

Yesterday, I asked, “Are You Listening?” Today, we need to address the more significant question, “Is God speaking?” Why do I need to listen if all I will hear is silence? Ask any person desperate for a word from God how discouraged they become when they do not hear anything. For me, I get a bit angry. Not at God, but rather at the fact that I need to understand, want to hear, and yet nothing. The unrelenting silence always leads me to question whether or not He wants to speak. Or, have I done something to cause Him not to speak? 

Can I be of great encouragement to you and say, “God ALWAYS wants to speak to you.” ALWAYS! Notice what Jesus says about His Father to the disciples, “The farmer SOWS the word.” He, who cannot lie, tells His followers that His Father is actively sharing His thoughts. I love this truth! Our Dad is not playing games with us; He is not punishing us; He desires to speak MORE than we wish to hear.

Notice James 1:5, “5If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.” God has already said, “Yes,” to every request from you to have Him speak. He has approved to be shared every bit of wisdom you will ever need. And, He has done so without finding fault with you … or your behavior … or your attitude. God knows that when you hear what He has to say that you will be forever changed. He wants that for you. 

So, are you asking Him to speak? Or, are you asking Him to approve and bless what you want without hearing His thoughts on the matter? And, when He speaks, are you willing to obey? Today, consider shifting your prayers from, “God, will you bless ‘this’ to God, what are your thoughts about ‘this?'”


Andy Smith