Day Twenty-Four

Jane Evans   -  

Joshua 1:16

Then they answered Joshua, “Whatever you have commanded us we will do, and wherever you send us we will go.”

Bold enough to DO and the courage to GO 

I just can’t get past this verse! Think about the implications of what they are saying. “We trust you to lead us, and in trusting you we are choosing to trust God. We know that God has promised us our own land, and at the moment there are giants living in it. We are fearful but want to move forward, we want to possess our promised Land, so……..WHATEVER YOU SAY WE WILL DO and WHEREVER YOU SEND US WE WILL GO. 

You get the feeling that this is a turning point for them, they are making an ALL IN choice. This is a generation whose parents DIDN’T make this choice, and as a result, they didn’t live in their promise or get to set foot on it. This is a generation that has decided that they are moving forward at all costs. I think about my parents who made this decision for me and I’m grateful every day. You see neither of them grew up in the church, both of them came from brokenness, dysfunction and abuse, and yet once they encountered God, they were so determined to move OUT OF what they had known and INTO what God had promised them. They said to God “whatever your word tells us to do we will do” and they meant it! They changed their lifestyle, what they wore, what came out of their mouths (my Dad could cuss like a sailor ) despite the cost of losing friends. As they were bold enough to ‘do what God asked them to do’ it gave them the courage to GO where He asked them to go. God spoke to them and asked them to move from England to Australia, they knew no one and had nothing but they followed God in simple trusting faith and changed the course of our family forever! You can do the same! You can be the generation that creates new patterns of obedience, new habits and takes your family into the promises of God so that future generations are BORN into the promises that you have fought for! Be bold enough to DO and courageous enough to GO!


Jane Evans