Day Fourteen

Jane Evans   -  

Joshua 1:7 

Above all, be strong and very courageous.  Be careful to observe all the law that my servant Moses commanded you.  Do not turn from it to the right or to the left so that you may prosper wherever you go.  

I want to look at verse 7 again today, but with a different emphasis. Did you know that it’s God’s desire that you prosper? Some people struggle with this concept, but why would God pay the ultimate price for you, sending His son to die, the gift that would allow you to become adopted into His family, and share in the family inheritance, and then want you to continue to struggle? God wants you to be successful; he wants you to win, in fact, He has set you up to win! The root of the word Prosper used in this verse means to be prudent and act wisely. This flows on so well from yesterday’s devotion where we were encouraged to be strong and courageous, in taking the territory that God has promised us, and we are to do it, not by just leaping randomly to the left or right of the path we are on, but carefully following the instructions in His word. That’s WHY it’s possible for us to be BOTH strong and COURAGEOUS and prudent and wise, God has given us the promise, the territory, the encouragement, the handbook to success, and promises to never leave us in the process of possession and moving forward! That’s why He continues by saying, so that you may prosper wherever you go. Everywhere you go, in whatever you do, not just in some areas, or some things. Success and prosperity should be spread right across every area of your life, your relationships, your work-life, your leadership, parenting, marriage, finance and any other area that you need to lay hold of this promise. Meditate on the thought today that God WANTS you to be successful and prosper in every place you go.


Jane Evans