Day Nine

Jane Evans   -  

Joshua 1:3-4

I promise you what I promised Moses: ‘Wherever you set foot, you will be on land I have given you—from the Negev wilderness in the south to the Lebanon mountains in the north, from the Euphrates River in the east to the Mediterranean Sea in the west, including all the land of the Hittites.’

I remember vividly the time when Ps Ashley and I were looking to build our first home. We searched high and low for land but everything was too expensive. The last piece of land we looked at was double what we could afford and needed some site work to be able to build on it. I remember sitting in the car and thinking, “this is the perfect location, and we could actually walk to church from here.” This scripture interrupted my thoughts and I felt God prompt me to get out of the car and walk the entire boundary of the land. The neighbours must have thought I was crazy but I did just that, and with each step, I claimed the land underfoot as my own. To make a long story short, we bought the land, divided it in half and our friend bought the other half, which meant we paid exactly what we could afford for the land, and a price well under what it was valued.

In this verse, two things stand out to me. Joshua had to ‘set his foot’ on the land in order to possess it and God said it was land he had already given him. There is a juxtaposition of faith to receive what God has given you an action to go and possess it and fight for it. The whole land was given but they could only possess that which they claimed. 

What has God promised you that you need to set your foot on today?


Jane Evans