Day Seven

Jane Evans   -  

Joshua 1:2

“Moses my servant is dead. Therefore, the time has come for you to lead these people, the Israelites, across the Jordan River into the land I am giving them.

Those are daunting, yet exciting words. We all want to step into the Promises of God, we have prayed and longed for them, some of us for years! “The time has come” even though we’ve longed for “the time to come” those words can still cause panic, 

“What if I’m not ready, what if they don’t listen to me, what if I fail? What if…..?  Then there is that river we have to get across Lord and right now it’s in flood, are you SURE its time? Wouldn’t it be better if we waited until the water subsides a bit?”

One thing we can be sure of is that our timing and God’s timing will be completely different, you see he’s not trying to make it easy for us, He’s trying to create miracles for us that will show us, the generations that come after us, and everyone else around us that we have the power of God working on our side. That the boldness and courage that we display, is in the world’s eyes, completely crazy; the timing all wrong, but if we will move out when God says “ The time has come” it will deposit faith in the hearts of those we lead and fear in the hearts of those who oppose us. Today think about what you need to do to be ready. The Israelites were circumcised; things of the flesh were cut away before they were ready. Being ready has very little to do with your circumstances and everything to do with your heart. Ask God to show you how you need to prepare to move out in BOLDNESS.


Jane Evans