Day Two: God Has a Promised Land for You 

Jane Evans   -  

I want to reinforce today the fact that there is a personal promise waiting for you in your future. Many of us haven’t possessed it before now because we didn’t really know what it was, or HOW to possess it. God is calling us, in this new decade, to take up the challenge to be BOLD and COURAGEOUS; to do bold actions, make courageous decisions that become a runway for us to arrive at the destination God has promised us. These next 99 days will be building that runway together, a kingdom runway, with eternal ramifications, a runway that helps us change where we live, and receive ALL that God has for us. 

This isn’t a vague promise of “blessing” it is a specific promise that can be described in detail.

Joshua 1:4

“From the wilderness and this Lebanon as far as the great river, the River Euphrates, all the land of the Hittites, and to the Great Sea toward the going down of the sun, shall be your territory.”  

It’s boundaries and its topography are clearly outlined. In Joshua chapter 13 God reminds Joshua again of the exact location of the land promised to each tribe. The territory was different for each different tribe, just like the territory he has given to you is unique and different from mine.

Some of us are called to possess territory in the realm of business, government, the family, education, the service industry etc. God wants us to be clear about what we are being bold and courageous about, to ask Him for the desires of our hearts, to listen to his desires for us, and dare to believe and receive what he has already given to us. In this time of prayer and fasting make it a point to ask God to define your promised land, to describe it to you if you haven’t already seen it. 

Joshua had seen the land along with 11 others, those that hadn’t seen were easily convinced NOT to be bold and courageous by those who had seen but didn’t understand that God would fight for them and had already given it to them.

Remind yourself today that YOU don’t have to work for it or deserve it, you just need to see it and receive what is already yours.


Jane Evans